Reactions to initial ideas

Over the last several weeks I have had lots of fun and interesting discussions about topics from the site. The new golf scoring system seemed to be the most popular concept, and several people said they would try it out the next time they hit the course. One friend was particularly struck by the predictions about the Supreme Court, and said it was interesting to see someone thinking about these dynamics so far ahead—since that discussion we have been exchanging emails with links from recent articles on this topic. Another friend loved the idea of reverse auctions for CEO compensation and thinks we should implement it right away. And I had a good discussion about consolidating the structure of states: my friend and I both agreed it definitely makes sense, but will probably never happen.  🙂  But overall I’m very grateful for all the feedback and the discussions that have started—I hope they continue!
I’ve added a few new pieces that I think might be interesting. I created a new proposal that explores in more depth the concept of restructuring the college football schedule, and illustrates what it would look like using real data from the current season. I added two more inspirations: a description of “the veil of ignorance” by John Rawls that I think is a really critical concept, and an article I read recently that had an intriguing idea about term limits for Supreme Court justices. And I tried a new medium: my friend Jory and I did a recording of a conversation about capitalism, inequality, and several of my ideas about these topics.

I hope you enjoy these new additions, and I look forward to more conversations about interesting topics and how we might make a few of these changes happen!

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